Retirement savings crisis

Is it true that Americans have undersaved for retirement, Part 2

Attached is the link to the second part of Nevin E Adams’s report on Andrew Biggs’s new white paper titled “America’s ‘Retirement Crisis’: The Emperor Has No Clothes.”  Read Mr. Adams’ part two here… Notice: The link provided above connects readers to…

Is it true that Americans have undersaved for retirement, Part 1

“What if the entire retirement crisis narrative playing out in opinion polls, the government and the media was a massive case of confirmation bias?” That is the position Andrew Biggs, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), explores…

Retirement savings crisis

Is there a retirement savings crisis in America? Yes; according to a recent survey, over three-fourths of Americans agree that there is a retirement savings crisis. Over half of the respondents cited their concerns that they cannot achieve financial security…

Generation X: Time to Take a Long View Toward Retirement

For Generation Xers — those born between 1965 and 1980—their 60s might seem some distance off, but for many of them it really isn’t. That’s why the results of a recent survey of 2000 members of this demographic cohort by…

Retirement Goals and Reality–A Grim Picture for Many

A significant slice of the Baby Boom Generation is way behind the curve in terms of saving for retirement, according to a newly-released study from Credit Karma. The financial services firm reports that, according to its survey, “… (a)bout 27%…

Seniors are feeling economic strain

A survey by American Advisors Group (AAG) found nearly 90 percent of seniors think the United States is experiencing a retirement savings crisis. Chris Moschner, Chief Marketing Officer of American Advisors Group, stated, “The data show that seniors are feeling…

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