
What did people do before Social Security?

Social Security was first introduced in 1935.  It has been a tremendous support for older and disabled Americans for decades.  Do you ever think about how older people managed before that time? There weren’t a lot of options and often…

Department of Labor Strengthens Regulaton on Savers’ Advice

There have been many articles posted over the past several years about the amount of financial resources accumulated for retirement, with the fairly common belief that future retirees are somewhat unprepared for their financial needs during a lengthy retirement. While…

Members of American Federation of Teachers attend hearing for HR 82  ( Social Security Fairness Act)

The Windfall Eilimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) affect the Social Security benefits of some government workers who are exempt from Social Security Tax.  This legislation was meant to help offset the fact that these workers are treated…

Understanding the Connection Between Social Security and Medicare

Reaching your sixties means it’s time to look ahead to your retirement years, and that means starting to take a look at what senior benefit programs like Social Security and Medicare will mean to you. It can appear to be…

Should you delay taking Social Security benefits until 70?

A person who is eligible for Social Security can claim benefits anytime between 62 and 70.  If you take it early your benefit will be reduced. If you wait until 70 you will receive the maximum payment. There is a…

A Quick Refresher on Social Security Solvency…and Steps You Should Consider

WDIO’s Grace Koppen hosts a brief discussion on the much-reported Social Security insolvency issue, featuring commentary from Barry Bigelow (Great Waters Financial) clarifying what to expect as the calendar moves toward the projected depletion of the program’s financial reserves. The…

Healthcare Costs in Retirement…Often Overlooked in the Planning Process

Predicting cash needs in retirement is a daunting task. It often focuses on day-to-day living expenses (e.g., housing, food clothing, travel, etc.) compared to expected income streams (e.g., Social Security, interest on savings, retirement account withdrawals, etc.). That makes sense,…

Many seniors find “un-retiring” is a better option

For many seniors, working a whole career can get stale, causing retirement to look extremely attractive. But about 2 in 5 Americans have found that retirement isn’t all they dreamed it to be, and have returned to work – in…

Need to bolster your retirement income? Here’s how

Of course, everyone wants to maximize their retirement income, but options for doing that as you approach retirement age are scant. You’ve already saved as much as you were able to over your lifetime, so your nest egg is set…

Want to retire early? Learn about the “FIRE” concept (Financial Independence, Retire Early)

Early retirement is something likely dreamt of by most millennials and members of “Generation Z” but, as many Boomers and Gen Xers have discovered, retiring early is a pretty lofty objective. The FIRE concept (Financial Independence, Retire Early) is an…

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