
Is Social Security “Broke Beyond Belief?”

According to a self-described “retirement planning evangelist” the American Social Security program is “broke beyond belief” and may not be able to pay full benefits as soon as 2034. That, of course, is a rather harsh, yet understandable, description of…

How Medicare options can affect your healthcare budget.

Medicare options need to be explored before you make any decision beyond original Medicare, which is Part A (hospitalization) and Part B (healthcare). You need to be aware there could be a penalty for not signing up for Medicare during…

When do Americans typically take Social Security benefits?

Americans take Social Security benefits anytime between age 62 to age 70.  Exactly when you should start is a personal decision depending on your individual situation. Also, it’s interesting to see what the average benefit is at different ages.  Many…

When Should You Claim Social Security?

It’s the question our AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service is most frequently asked – “When should I claim my Social Security benefits?” And the underlying hidden inquiry is “how can I maximize my Social Security benefit?” Truth is, there…

Retirement savings crisis

Is there a retirement savings crisis in America? Yes; according to a recent survey, over three-fourths of Americans agree that there is a retirement savings crisis. Over half of the respondents cited their concerns that they cannot achieve financial security…

You might enjoy a really nice benefit if…

What is the maximum benefit you can collect if you retire this year? If you are turning 70 this year and filing for the first time for Social Security, you could collect a monthly benefit of $4,873. However, not everyone…

House Ways and Means Committee to Hold Hearing on WEP and GPO

On Tuesday, April 16th, the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee will hold a hearing on bill H.R. 82 – the Social Security Fairness Act. This bill repeals provisions that reduce Social Security benefits for individuals who receive other benefits,…

Retaining older workers

In his annual letter to investors, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink addressed the issue of America’s lack of retirement savings and the aging workforce. Mr. Fink challenged “HR departments to find ways to hire and retain older workers, but also help…

What one more year will do for you

Satisfaction with their jobs was the main reason why 10 percent of retirees ended their careers later than planned, according to a recent MassMutual Survey. What benefits could you receive by postponing your retirement date for a year? Maurie Backman…

How will you retire?

Consider the option of partial or phased retirement as explored in this article by Kristin McKenna, Senior Contributor at Darrow Wealth Management in Boston MA for Forbes on April 8, 2024. Read Ms. McKenna’s article here…. Notice: The link provided…

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