
Viewpoints on the Use of Social Security to Fund Paid Family Leave

The funding of paid leave for families to care for newborns, personal medical care, or care of family members care continues to be a debatable issue in the political world. In fact, It’s likely to become a part of various platforms…

The Impact of Using Social Security as a Means to Fund Family Leave

Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s several weeks ago floated an idea to enable workers to take two months of family leave and fund it via Social Security, calling it a “budget neutral” proposal. In response, the nonpartisan Urban Institute conducted a study that gauges…

Opposition Mounting for Rubio/Wagner Family Leave Initiatives

Paid family leave is becoming a pretty hot topic in Washington, with opposition being expressed in response to Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s “Economic Security for New Parents Act” (see our post yesterday on this subject) and a similar bill being prepared…

Paid Family Leave Financed by Social Security Deferrals Now on the Table

Led by Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s proposed “Economic Security for New Parents Act,” the issue of paid family leave has entered the debate stage in Washington. Rubio’s proposal, calling for for at least two months of paid leave in exchange for an…

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