
Smart Ways to Save for Retirement

Information provided by Becca Stanek for The Week US published on July 8, 2024 on how much you will need in your retirement years. Several different strategies and suggestions are given depending on your own situation and age. Read here……

A Practical Look at How Social Security Fits in Your Retirement

Of course, Social Security will be a significant part of your retirement financial picture. For some, it will be the most significant part, while for others it may serve to support other financial resources that have been accumulated along the…

Thoughts As You Look Ahead to Retirement

Social Security’s long-term financial picture is in the news quite a bit these days, and many seniors are beginning to look hard at what role those benefits will play in their post-retirement situation. This South Florida Reporter article by takes…

Guarding Against the Potential for Insolvency-Driven Social Security Cuts

It should be no secret to anyone that Social Security is in a gradual descent toward insolvency. After all, for years now the annual Social Security Trustees Report has sounded the alarm, and many news reports have hyped the problem…

401k Loan Limits and the COVID-19 Pandemic Impact

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed into law March 27 offers some much-needed financial relief for folks battered by the pandemic’s economic fallout. In addition to cash payments, improved unemployment benefits, small business support, and other…

“No Brainers” for Improving Financial Security in Retirement

The Motley Fool’s Christy Bieber, in a post on, outlines five basic missteps that are likely to derail your plans for a comfortable financial position in your retirement years. They’re really nothing new, in fact their pretty basic, but still many…

The Importance of a Balanced Savings Strategy

It sounds kind of counter-intuitive to say it, but a post by The Motley Fool’s Katie Brockman on suggests that the reflex to “…start saving as early as possible and sock away as much as you possibly can in your retirement…

Younger Workers…Check Out This Advice

For someone in their 20s, perhaps just getting settled into a career track, thoughts of retirement or at best distant and hazy. It’s typical at this point in life to procrastinate on serious thought of preparing for those “golden years,”…

Millennials: Here’s Some Guidance on Building Wealth for Retirement

Kiplinger contributor Tom Presley, CPA, CFP®, in a post on, takes aim at ten common mistakes that some younger folks make on the way to career development…mistakes that cause then to fall behind in their efforts to build wealth and…

How Much Money Will You Need in Retirement?

Well, the short answer might be, “Do the math!” But it’s easier said than done, and any who have tried have given up in the face of so many unknowns. But there is a sipler approach that you might consider,…

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