
That “Lack of Retirement Savings” Issue Again!

“Nearly a third of adults age 50 and over admit they’re not prepared for retirement, according to a poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. In addition, another 39% of older adults say they’re only somewhat prepared…

Here’s Help in Designing Your Retirement Plan

Building your retirement plan is a daunting task, for sure. And sometimes it appears so daunting that you don’t know where to start. Don’t despair…help is readily available from a number of sources. In this post on, three fundamental “starter”…

Saving for Retirement–When Should You Start?

Think back to your first job. Well, to your first paycheck, anyway. You may remember a parent or, more likely a grandparent telling you to start saving immediately and make it a habit going forward to save for your retirement years.…

Couples: Retirement Planning is a Joint Responsibility

Many couples seem to be uncomfortable with “the talk” (about retirement finances), or perhaps unsure of how to actually focus on “the talk,” and that could be devastating to their long-term future. But the need to focus on savings, Social…

The Retirement Savings “Crisis”: MIllennials Speak Up

Despite all the reasons why the “millennial generation” should be focusing on saving for retirement, it still doesn’t appear to be happening. Why, you ask. Well, the National Institute on Retirement Security took a look at this issue and developed some…

The “Saving for Retirement” Issue from a Different Perspective

Much has been written about what statisticians say is a severe shortage of accumulated wealth among those heading into their retirement years. And, while the issue and its impacts are debated, it’s important to recognize that every day thousands step…

Homestretch Retirement Planning

You may not view it this way, but attaining age 50 is considered a wake-up call by many. It’s a plateau of sorts, and it’s a good time to take stock of where you are with respect to preparing for…

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