
The maximum Social Security benefit is out of reach for all but a few workers

In 2024, the highest Social Security retirement benefit for an individual starting benefits is $4,873 per month, according to the Social Security Administration. But how many people achieve the maximum Social Security benefit? In reality, very few Americans will claim…

You Cannot Live on Social Security Alone

The disparity is huge – the maximum Social Security benefit for 2024 is $4,873, while the minimum 2024 SS benefit is a mere $50.90. And it sure would be a lot easier to live on the higher amount than the…

Overpayments: A Continuing Social Security Controversy

It has been widely reported that Social Security is trying to recover billions in overpaid benefits. Indeed Congressional hearings have been held with Congress drilling Social Security on the processed being used and, especially, the reasons that some benefits are…

When Should You Claim Social Security?

Ahh, the age old question, and the one most frequently asked of the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Service – “When should I claim my Social Security?” This Bankrate article by James Royal, Ph.D., explores that question in depth, revealing…

Social Security: The power of delaying

In simplistic terms, the earlier you claim Social Security the smaller your benefit will be; the longer you wait to claim the higher your monthly payment. Reduced SS retirement benefits can be claimed as early as age 62, and your…

Struggling financially? Here’s how to get help with your Medicare costs

Medicare is not free. Even if you qualify for premium-free Medicare Part A (inpatient hospitalization coverage), there are still copays and deductibles involved. And Medicare Part B (coverage for outpatient healthcare services) always carries a monthly premium ($174.70 for 2024),…

Social Security: How Much Will You Get?

Social Security is, inarguably, America’s most important retirement program. You work your whole lifetime contributing to the program, in return for a guaranteed income when your working days are over. And your SS retirement benefit lasts for the rest of…

The Survey Says: Save More for Retirement!

Surveys have become the standard way to determine how different groups view specific topics. As reported in this article, a recent survey found that a large majority of retirees regret they didn’t save more for their so-called “golden years.” Surprising?…

Hope for the Best; Plan for the Worst

According to a recent survey, 41% of older Americans believe that Social Security won’t exist in its current form for their entire retirement. Probably not an unusual statistic, considering the media attention lately given to Social Security looming financial issue.…

A Complex Problem: Social Security Solvency

For over 8 decades, Social Security has been paying earned benefits on time, providing a crucial source of income for eligible Americans. A Social Security payment has never been missed since monthly payments began in 1940, and a payment has…

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