
The Upside of Working Longer

To some, the thought of working longer than originally anticipated might be depressing. To others, this option might represent a partial solution to their nagging concerns over outliving their assets in retirement. And with so much written about the lack…

Filing for Benefits: The Basic Question

As multimedia journalist Tracy Byrnes point out at the beginning of her post on, the first and most basic question you should consider asking yourself is, “Do you really need the check?” Asking this question will help you think through the pros…

Boomers Confident About Retirement Lifestyle, but is it Wishful Thinking?

Citing an NHP Foundation quote pointing to a “disconnect between Baby Boomers’ current financial status and where they perceive themselves in retirement,” a post by PlanAdvisor’s Lee Barney takes a look at a potential disconnect between where those age 50 and older…

Social Security’s Diminishing Ability to Keep Pace

With national health care spending growing at an average rate of 5.5% for the next decade, it’s easy to see why the recent trend in Social Security’s cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs)–1.1% average for the past five years–is cause for concern among the System’s…

Planning on Working in Retirement? What if You Can’t?

The statistics are  impressive: 79% of future retirees expecting to hold a job in their retirement years, for example. For some, working fills a social need; for others it fills an economic need. And for still others, having this as…

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: A Look Under the Covers

Fox Business reporter Casey Dowd, in a post today on, examines the short- and long-term implications of the recently-implemented “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” explaining that there will likely be an uneven impact on seniors going forward. While some may benefit…

Your Social Security Benefits: The Importance of Understanding the System

Getting the most out of your earned Social Security benefits is one of the keys to building the best financial situation for your retirement years. Achieving this desired situation, though, requires a clear understanding of the rules and complexities associated…

Another Tax Scam Alert Involving Social Security Numbers

In a post on, the Consumer Reports editorial staff offers another alert, in a continuing series of alerts, on the importance of filing federal income tax returns as quickly as possible. “Getting a refund quickly is not the only upside…

Planning for the “Struggles” of Retirement

Financial planning for retirement is one thing, and executing the most appropriate strategy for drawing Social Security benefits is another, but what’s often overlooked by many folks is the emotional side of the transition to retirement life. To many, that…

The Importance of Knowing Your Social Security Options

If you’re reviewing the contents of this website and examining the rich and robust information presented on its pages, you’re to be commended for taking an active stance in learning about Social Security. With the posts presented on our “Headline…

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