
Early Prediction of 2025 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)

It’s way too early to say with any degree of certainty what next year’s COLA will be, but it’s still interesting to take a look at what might be. Inflation, of course, is the driver of any COLA increase to…

All About Taxation of Retirement Benefits (including Social Security)

Ben Franklin once said, “Nothing is certain but death an taxes.” Especially at the Federal level, taxation of your income may be inevitable, but the story is considerably different when it comes to State income taxes. The fact is, that…

Prescription Drug Plans Cutting Coverage

Medicare – the nation’s main healthcare plan for seniors – doesn’t include coverage for prescription drugs (unless administered during a hospital stay). Although usually called “Medicare Part D,” all such plans for coverage of prescription drugs are provided by private…

Options for Restoring Social Security to Solvency

It’s certainly no secret that Social Security will be facing some serious financial difficulty in about ten years – that fact has been all over the media for a few years now. The stark reality is that reform of the…

Retirement Savings: How do yours compare to others?

Just about any article you read about retirement planning will encourage you to build your nest egg as big as you can before retiring, because Social Security alone likely won’t be enough to sustain you in your golden years. Across…

Planning For Your Retirement

” … people shouldn’t view retirement as “an endless vacation.”” Instead, they should dive into their inner selves and values,” according to this Yahoo! Finance article by Tina Nazerian. What will your retirement look like? Do you have a specific…

About Raising Social Security’s Full Retirement Age

Hyperbole and apparent political endorsement aside, this Motley Fool article by Maurie Backman identifies and tacitly endorses a controversial solution to Social Security’s financial woes – raising the full retirement age (FRA). FRA is when a claimant can get 100%…

Avoiding Medicare’s Late Enrollment Penalty

Just as Social Security is the nation’s foundational retirement financial program, Medicare is America’s foundational healthcare program for seniors aged 65 and over. Medicare, however, can be tricky, especially if you miss the Initial Enrollment Period which starts 3 months…

Be Smart About Your Social Security Benefits

Let’s face it – Social Security was never meant to be your sole source of income in retirement. In reality, Social Security provides only about 40% of what you’ll need to retire comfortably, so having an additional source of income…

Millennials Likely to Bear the Burden of Social Security Reform

Given all the media coverage in the past year or so, it’s now pretty well known that Social Security – the nation’s bedrock retirement program – will face serious financial issues in about a decade. Although the recently released Social…

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