Social Security 2100 Act

One View of the Solvency Issue and a Potential Solution

Social Security’s looming insolvency is beginning to get attention, finally. After all, the program’s Trustees have been sounding the alarm for about three decades, so even though its late in the 118th Congress, it’s great to see the debate shaping…

Social Security 2100 Act – Just Old Wine in a New Bottle?

Alicia Munnell of MarketWatch dives into Rep. John Larson’s (D-CT) 2021 version of his 2019 Social Security 2100 Act.  The new bill produces only about half the revenue as the 2019 proposal, mainly because the payroll tax is not raised.  This…

“Fixing” Social Security–Understanding the “Raise the Cap” Approach

You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again: “Just eliminate the Social Security payroll tax cap and the solvency problem goes away.” In fact, you’re hearing it right now via deliberations on HR-860, “The Social Security 2100 Act” now…

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