Social Security reform

Thought Leaders Weigh In on Social Security Reform

The Peter G. Peterson Foundation (PGPF), a nonpartisan organization focusing on the nation’s fiscal issues, provides various forums for policy influencers to contribute to the legislative conversations shaping the future for America’s seniors. PGPF’s Solutions Initiative 2024 is one such…

Social Security Reform: Debunking the Fear Mongering Following the RSC Proposal

Rumors and speculation about the Social Security intentions behind the Republican Study Committee’s (RSC) Fiscal Year 2025 Budget proposal–titled “Fiscal Sanity to Save America”–have blossomed in the days following its release last week. Labeling the fast-moving rhetoric as “a lot…

Culture Wars and Social Security…A Changing Landscape

As we wind down this turbulent year, we see a spate of media commentary that smacks of warfare across the generational spectrum regarding Social Security. First, there was the December 11 piece by Andrew G. Biggs (“No, Social Security Isn’t…

Long-Term Debt and Social Security Reform: Yes, There is a Relationship.

The mind-boggling gap between federal revenue and federal spending–pegged at $1.7 trillion for 2023–and the resultant nearly doubling of the year-over-year federal budget deficit is the subject of an analysis by University of Maryland professor Melissa Kearney and former U.S.…

Means Testing for Social Security…Where do the Republican Candidates Stand?

By now, anyone who’s been paying attention to Social Security’s steadily deteriorating financial position is keenly aware of the long-term implications of Congress taking no corrective action. Many suggestions for program restructuring have been put forth by a number of…

Social Security’s Future–A Clear and Concise Synopsis

Media accounts of Social Security’s long-term viability frequently set forth a dismal picture, often using terms like “bankrupt” that generate either alarm or despair depending on one’s age and proximity to benefit eligibility. Those who follow this subject closely, of…

Candidate Christie Breaks Ranks on the Social Security Issue, Advocates Cuts

While the prevalent mindset during the runup to the election year seems to be a consistent aversion to addressing the Social Security solvency problem head-on, presidential candidate Chris Christie stepped out of line recently with statements calling for reform provisions…

On the Issue of Social Security Means Testing…

One of the ideas being explored these days is the thought that Social Security benefits for the ultra-wealthy should be perhaps curtailed or even eliminated. It’s not necessarily a new thought, since it has come up more than once over…

Will Anticipated Voter Turnout Dictate the Future of Social Security Reform?

In analyzing the Social Security reform positions taken by President Biden and former President Donald Trump, Frank Gunter (professor of economics at Lehigh University) speculates that their priorities for resolution of the steadily progressing deterioration of the program’s finances would sacrifice…

Tax Fairness Cited as Rallying Cry in Efforts to Address Social Security

Senate Budget Committee deliberations this week focused on, among other key points, the revenue side of the Social Security funding dilemma, with Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) presenting a case for bilateral attention to be applied to achieving “tax fairness between…

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