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On the Issue of Social Security Means Testing…

One of the ideas being explored these days is the thought that Social Security benefits for the ultra-wealthy should be perhaps curtailed or even eliminated. It’s not necessarily a new thought, since it has come up more than once over the years. Vance Cariaga, writing for in a post on, takes a look at the thinking behind this topic, using the attention-getting title “How Big Is Donald Trump’s Social Security Check? It’s an interesting discussion and, like most points that arise in the Social Security debate, there are pros and cons. In any event, one of the more elusive sub-parts of the argument is that Social Security’s internal calculations are actually a form of “means testing,” in that they tend to scale back the ultimate benefit for those with higher earnings. It’s a thought-provoking topic, and you can read Cariaga’s assessment of the situation here.

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