Social Security solvency

Time is Ticking for Social Security

As insolvency looms closer every day, millions of Americans may face a cut to the income foundational to their retirement plan. A number of proposals for a solution are floating about but none seem to be making an impact on…

Medicare and Social Security: Is time running out?

We have all heard about the trust fund running out of money in approximately 10 years. Here are numbers as reported by Adam Andrzejewski at RealClearInvestigations. Read the article here…

A Quick Recap of What Candidates Biden and Trump Say About Social Security

Most recently, the Biden and Trump presidential campaigns appear to be marching in step concerning their plans for addressing Social Security’s financial problems. Simply put, both have advocated for a “hands-off” approach, although both have also vowed to “protect” the…

Campaign Update: Knives Getting Sharpened on Social Security Rhetoric

It’s something that the public–especially the voting public–is likely getting accustomed to, since we’re moving deeper into the presidential election cycle. But earlier this month reelection candidate Donald Trump saw his CNBC Squawk Box program generate intense blowback from a…

Unpacking the Effect of a Change in Retirement Age

As noted in the last two days’ Headline posts on this site, the rhetoric is building on the subject of changing the Social Security full retirement age as part of the strategy to avoid the program’s projected payment shortfalls. It’s…

Adjusting the Retirement Age: Extreme or Sensible? One viewpoint.

The debate over how best to address Social Security’s looming catastrophe is raging again. No surprise there, since it’s a presidential election year and that means pretty much any specific suggestion to address the problem acquires polar opposite viewpoints. A…

Sec. Yellin: Social Security Underfunding Missing Concrete Plan

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, in a recent Senate Finance Committee hearing and in response to questions concerning the Whitehouse FY 2025 budget, acknowledged that no specific steps have been outlined by the current administration to ward off the impending benefit…

The Retirement Age Debate: Battle Lines are Continuing to be Drawn

In the days since last week’s release of the Republican Study Committee’s (RSC) Fiscal Year 2025 Budget proposal–titled “Fiscal Sanity to Save America”–the airwaves have been alive with commentary on the future of Social Security. One of the more significant…

Immigration Emerges in the Social Security Debate (Again)

In an analysis of GOP presidential candidate Trump’s recent remarks about Social Security’s looming financial crisis, The Motley Fool’s Sean Williams cited the candidate’s campaign position on the program as “flawed” and pointed out several fundamental points omitted from its…

Tax Policy and Social Security’s Future–Two Closely-Tied Topics

Earlier this month, the White House presented its Fact Sheet on the proposed budget, part of which focuses on the premise that the spending plan Makes Wealthy People Pay Their Fair Share. Since the issue of taxation typically emerges in…

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