Social Security solvency

Bi-Partisan “Save Our Seniors” said to protect Social Security

A bi-partisan trio of U.S. Senators have collaborated to introduce the “Save Our Seniors Act,” intended to keep Social Security’s true financial status front and center in Congress. Companion legislation has also been introduced in the House of Representatives. Fact…

Important information for those new to Social Security

After a lifetime of working and approaching age 62, you might start thinking about applying for Social Security. After all, you’ve worked your entire life, contributing to the program, and feel entitled to start reaping the monetary fruits of your…

Hard fact: Social Security must be reformed

To listen to candidates for federal office these days, one would get the impression that just leaving Social Security alone is a viable path forward. But it’s not, according to this sobering assessment by a Congressman speaking at a South…

Social Security is on the ballot

We are all aware that the Social Security and Medicare trust funds are on the road to insolvency in less than a decade from now. However, no detailed plan to solve this issue has yet to be released by either…

Billionaire’s Tax, Independent Voters, and Social Security

Phillip Wegmann looks at the current state of politics and Social Security. It’s an issue that Democrats normally have in their back pockets, but Independent voters are evenly divided on whom they trust on the topic in 2024. Both Biden…

A $6,638 Social Security Benefit Cut? Really?

Yes, all Social Security benefits are due to be cut without congressional reform of a program that’s been barreling toward insolvency for decades. As Sean Williams noes in this comprehensive piece, the time of reckoning is almost here. He explains…

Social Security Reform: What’s Holding Up Progress?

By now, most folks following Social Security’s steadily unraveling financial picture are aware that draconian measures are projected in less than a decade if steps aren’t taken to bring the program’s structure in line with 21st-century economics. After all, the…

Retirement planning is not the government’s job–Dave Ramsey

American radio personality Dave Ramsey, in a post on, presented three common myths that can influence those looking ahead to the financial side of retirement planning. Beginning with the belief that Social Security alone will allow for a comfortable…

Tax Foundation Weighs In on Medicare and Social Security Fair Share Act

Tax Foundation Senior Policy Analyst Garrett Watson’s detailed study of the proposed Medicare and Social Security Fair Share Act legislation introduced last year concluded that the measures “will not fully solve the entitlement crisis and will hurt economic growth.” In…

Senate Committee Examines America’s “Retirement Crisis”

The U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, in a hearing yesterday morning, conducted an in-depth examination of retirement issues facing Americans today, receiving input from a slate of representatives from private and public organizations. In advance of…

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