Social Security solvency

Exchanging Social Security Benefits for an RMD Deferral Option? A New Idea Surfaces.

As the rhetoric on fixing Social Security’s solvency problem pickS up steam, so does the emergence of new and creative approaches to reforming the system. In a post today on, contributor Chris Heerlein advances a suggestion that deals with…

Social Security Today: A “People Over Politics” Perspective

As the rhetoric on Social Security’s long-term financial issues heats up, so does the division between approaches to reforming the system. Structural changes on one side of the argument focus on modernizing the program to bring it into line with…

Social Security Solvency–Shining a Positive Light on the Crisis

Although acknowledging that Social Security faces long-term financial problems, including the potential for a substantial benefit cut about a decade from now, officials at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities take the high road in an article posted on…


Inevitably, the uptick in news accounts of Social Security’s financial problems appears to be spawning a new approach by the scammer community in its continuing assault on unsuspecting seniors. Specifically, this new tactic informs targeted individuals that their Social Security…

Setting the Record Straight on Social Security’s Mortality

One of the more prominent and durable myths about Social Security is the persistent proclamation of the program’s trajectory toward disappearance, with many pundits even setting a timeline for this death march. You’ve probably seen the headlines (e.g., “Social Security…

Social Security Reform…Between a Rock and a Hard Place?

Since the March 31 release of the 2023 Social Security Trustees Report, and actually for months and years before that, the news waves have been awash with commentary about what can, should, or is likely to be done to address…

A Generation-by-Generation Analysis of Beneficiaries’ Expectations

The drums are beating loudly these days on the issue of Social Security’s long-term financial future, with a steady stream of pundits weighing in on what’s likely to happen. But aside from the constant flow of articles posing suggestions for…

Some Contingency Planning Advice for Future Social Security Beneficiaries

If you’ve been watching the news, and especially the barrage of articles since the March 31 release of the 2023 Social Security Trustees Report, you probably are acquiring an understanding of the scope of Social Security’s financial troubles. One school…

For Millennials: Here’s What You Need to Know About the Social Security Solvency Dilemma

It’s getting a fair amount of publicity these days, and that’s expected to continue growing as the slow-moving train wreck head toward the point of insolvency–in less than a decade. The Millennial cohort–generally considered to encompass those born from the…

The Growing State of Apprehension About Retirement

In the midst of growing accounts of Social Security’s rapidly evolving reserve fund depletion, there’s a curious mindset developing with respect to how future retirees view their post-career financing picture. To be specific, Financial Advisor IQ’s Alex Padalka, in a…

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