Social Security solvency

Assessing the Implications of an FRA Setback

If you’ve been keeping up with the rhetoric on the Social Security solvency crisis, you’re probably tuned in to the various scenarios being advanced to address the impending trust depletion situation. You probably also know that one of the most…

Headwinds Building in Opposition to a Full Retirement Age Increase

Although many pundits have weighed in on the likelihood of a further setback in the age at which newly eligible beneficiaries can claim their full benefits, a recent Quinnipiac University poll suggests that there is substantial pushback from Republican, Independent, and…

Another Viewpoint on Social Security’s Future Financial Picture

Despite the incorrect title, an article by Simon Black a.k.a. James Hickman–the Founder of–provides a glimpse of Social Security’s potential future in the wake of the much-reported depletion of trust fund reserves. What’s incorrect in the title, of course,…

Social Security: Planning for What Could Happen

The airwaves seem to be alive with new concerns about Social Security’s impending funding crisis, with the March 31 publication of the annual Trustees Report suggesting that the date for full depletion of the program’s cash reserve could occur a…

The Social Security Solvency Dilemma – Part 2

Social Security: The Projected Depletion of Reserves The most recent Social Security Trustees Report projects that the Old Age and Survivors (OASI) Trust Fund will be fully depleted by 2033. When combined with the Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund reserves,…

Reaffirming the Fact That Social Security Will Be There…Just Maybe Reduced, though.

It’s been one of the most persistent rumor circulating in the airwaves for some time…this impending assertion that Social Security is facing bankruptcy about a decade from now. Walter Gottlieb, writing in a post on the National Committee to Preserve…

The Social Security Solvency Dilemma – Part 1

The most recent edition of the Social Security Trustees Report moved the projected date for full depletion of the program’s trust fund reserves forward a year. While that’s not good news, certainly, it does have the effect of shining a…

The Logic Behind Raising the Full Retirement Age

Although it appears to be developing into somewhat of a political football, the issue of increasing the Social Security full retirement age has a rational perspective. A recent post by senior contributor Chris Carosa takes a look at the…

A Political Assessment of Social Security Reform’s Headwinds

It’s been a long time coming, and now we’re within a decade of the catastrophe known as Social Security insolvency. And just to head the rumor off fast, that doesn’t mean bankruptcy for one of America’s most successful social programs…

Social Security and the Federal Debt: An Editorial Opinion

Much has been written about Social Security’s trajectory toward insolvency, along with many accounts of pathways to be explored to head off the catastrophe awaiting America’s seniors. Unfortunately, many of the news accounts have complicated the overall issue by insinuating…

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