Social Security

Three factors that determine your Social Security benefit

How much will I get in Social Security?  It’s a question every American will ask at some point as they approach retirement age.  The answers are simple, even if the calculations cannot exactly be done in one’s head.  The first…

A Simple Fix for Social Security? Hardly.

The problems and many of the proposed solutions to what ails Social Security have been known for years.  In short, a demographic crisis of people living much longer coupled with smaller family sizes *hence fewer workers contributing) means Social Security…

Ask Rusty – What Social Security Benefit Will My Wife Get If I Die?

Dear Rusty: I am 69 and have been holding off on collecting my Social Security payment until I’m 70 on the assumption that my wife would collect my benefit if I died first. My thought was that she would collect…

A politically unpopular tax hike could give Social Security another 75 years

In this piece Sean Williams describes a solution noted in the April 2019 Trustees’ report that would instantly resolve Social Security’s $13.9 trillion cash shortfall over the next 75 years.  Contained within every trustees report is a figure known as the “actuarial deficit” …

Full retirement age not known to many people

New data from Nationwide notes a serious knowledge gap among older Americans nearing retirement, as just 24% of older adults can identify their full retirement age (FRA) for Social Security purposes.  Absent this key piece of information, Americans risk filing at the wrong time and…

Social Security and people’s retirements are indeed in trouble

Yes Social Security is in trouble.  That is actually not news, as the Trustees reported yet again in April 2019 what has been known for many years.  Without changes soon, the program will only be able to pay out about…

Did Congress steal Social Security money? NO!

One of the most pervasive myths pertaining to Social Security is that Congress stole program funds for wars, social welfare spending, or a host of other programs.  With a simple, common sense explanation, and by using easily understood analogies, Sean Williams of…

Op-ed: NO tax increases to fix Social Security

Alfredo Ortiz, president and chief executive of the Job Creators Network, flatly rejects any tax increase as the fix for what ails Social Security in this op-ed piece in The Hill.  Ortiz specifically cites legislation introduced by Rep. John Larson (D-CT), chairman…

Let’s Preserve & Modernize Social Security

Many may remember the famous poll some years ago stating, “more people surveyed among Generation X [now age 37-54] believe in UFOs than that Social Security will be there for them at retirement.”  It was as shocking as recent polls…

Social Security advisors see growing role

It’s small wonder more people are turning to financial advisors for Social Security questions with a recent Gallup poll stating more than 40 percent of people say they worry about the Social Security system a “great deal.”  Defined benefit plans,…

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