Social Security

How waiting boosts your benefit?

There is no perfect age to begin your Social Security benefits. Your choice of when to take your Social Security benefits is a personal one based on your circumstances. However, if you wait past your full retirement age to begin…

Why is the average Social Security benefit so low?

Regarding Social Security benefits, it is not the same amount for everyone. Many factors will impact the benefits you will receive – how many years you worked, how much you made during your career, and when you decide to begin…

Workers want lawmakers to shore up Social Security

U.S. workers want lawmakers to address Social Security’s insolvency issue. In a recent report, 58 percent of workers said they want the President and Congress to fix Social Security. However, when asked what Congress should do, the response was mixed,…

Social Security changes for 2025

We are almost at the halfway mark for the calendar year 2024; now is the time to be aware of some changes to Social Security in 2025.  What are these changes? Christy Bieber outlines the three Social Security changes we…

Why take the risk?

You can start receiving your Social Security benefits as early as age 62; however, if you start receiving benefits early, your benefits are reduced a small percent for each month before your full retirement age. That small percentage could add…

Surprised With Your Low Social Security? You’re Not Alone

Social Security benefits only replace 33 to 55 percent of the average earnings for American workers. Social Security is the largest source of income for most beneficiaries and some, their sole source of income. With the current economic conditions, you…

Social Security Updates Occupations List Used in Disability Evaluation Process

The Social Security Administration announced it has updated the occupations list used in the disability evaluation process. “It makes sense to identify occupations that now exist in very limited numbers in the national economy,” said Martin O’Malley, Commissioner of Social…

Generation X is particularly nervous about retirement finances

As the first Generation X members near retirement age, they have become concerned about retirement finances. Although the older generations had pension plans, Generation X workers were the first generation of workers to have 401(k)s as their financial savings tool…

Here’s the average age retirees claim Social Security

You can start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62; however, you are entitled to full benefits when you reach your retirement age. If you delay taking your benefits from your full retirement age up to…

Social Security is facing a cash shortage

The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies recently reported that 88 percent of baby boomers expect to rely on Social Security in retirement. However, Social Security will be insolvent in just 11 years, forcing benefits to be cut by nearly 17…

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