Social Security

New Online Social Security COLA Notices

(Source – Social Security Administration) We are constantly expanding our online services to give you freedom and control when doing business with us. Our new online cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) notices are another example of our commitment in this area. Later…

Chairman Johnson Opening Statement at Hearing on the State of Social Security’s Information Technology

(Source: House Ways and Means Committee) House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson (R-TX) delivered the following opening statement at a Subcommittee Hearing on the State of Social Security’s Information Technology. “Good morning and welcome to today’s…

More on the Social Security Earnings Test

In a post on, Laurence Kotlikoff provides a detailed explanation of the Social Security earnings test and how it impacts the benefits of those who choose to continue employment after filing for benefits. His post also addresses questions on an assortment…

Submitting Fraud Allegations to the OIG

(Source: Social Security Administration) The SSA Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has determined that, due to a computer error, it did not receive any fraud allegations submitted through its online fraud-reporting form from 3:30 p.m. on Monday, September 10 to 9:30…

Retirement–Preparing for the Long Haul

Planning the financial side of retirement life is a challenge–no doubt about that! The unknowns can cause the serious planners to lose sleep at night, and sometimes the simple truth that one may not even know what one doesn’t know…

The Importance of Understanding SSDI Eligibility

Tyler Smith, in a post on the American Economic Association’s website, recaps an article from the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, asserting that communications from federal agencies regarding individual eligibility for programs like Social Security Disability Income may not be adequately attracting…

Social Security Fundamentals: Potential Pitfalls for Those Who Don’t Get the Details

Jay Gershman, of EWest Hartford’s  Retirement Visions LLC, knows from experience that many folks jumping into retirement without understanding the many details of Social Security wind up making huge and costly mistakes. In a post on, he provides a…

When to Collect Benefits?–Not A Simple Question

Juts like the calendar, the Baby Boom Generation continues to march relentlessly forward in time, with a large portion of this population group now finding themselves in their mid-50s and starting to think about Social Security. While it’s still a few…

The Nuances of Switching from Disability to Retirement Benefits

In response to a question from a disability benefits recipient approaching her automatic transition to retirement benefits, this post on outlines the mechanics of the process, and explains the recipient’s inability to defer retirement benefits and continue on disability to…

Negative Viewpoints on Changing the Full Retirement Age

In an article on, reporter Daniel Marans recaps the whitewater facing former New Mexico governor and two-time Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson as a consequence of his stance on raising Social Security’s full retirement age (FRA). While Johnson’s position would call…

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