Social Security

Another Push for CPI-E

The potential for use of a measurement more reflective of senior spending patterns has been under investigation for some time, and is the subject of pending legislation to adopt this senior-friendly tool. A recent post on by Paul Mulholland…

Candidate Trump Offers a Glimpse of Potential Tax Strategy

In his June 9 Las Vegas rally, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced his intent, if elected, to exempt tip income from “federal taxation.” Left undefined, though, is whether he’s referring to federal income tax or FICA tax (the…

The Probability of Retiring (and Living) on Social Security Benefits Alone

The Motley Fool’s James Brumley, in a post on their website, sends a note of caution to those with little (or no) savings but still heading toward their retirement years. On the basic question of whether Social Security will be…

A Dialog on the Age 62 vs. FRA vs. Age 70 Claiming Question

It’s probably one of the most frequent questions any financial advisor receives: Should I claim Social Benefits as soon as possible or wait? Here at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service, we hear it often, and our response always…

Congressional Subcommittee field hearing focuses on WEP & GPO

Friday’s Congressional Subcommittee led by U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) offered public sector workers an opportunity to express their concerns with Social Security’s Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO). The hearing led off with comments from a…

Ask Rusty – I’m Already Collecting Social Security – How Will My WEP Reduction be Calculated?

Dear Rusty:  I don’t understand exactly how the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) works for my situation. I turned 62 in 2017 and am currently still working in a “non-covered” job, not paying into Social Security, but from which I will…

The Social Security Earnings Test—Why Does it Exist?

Claiming Social Security retirement benefits early—that is, before full retirement age (FRA)—is still a popular option in retirement finance planning. For some, it offers the opportunity to step out of a difficult work environment and into different, less stressful work.…

One View of the Solvency Issue and a Potential Solution

Social Security’s looming insolvency is beginning to get attention, finally. After all, the program’s Trustees have been sounding the alarm for about three decades, so even though its late in the 118th Congress, it’s great to see the debate shaping…

Will Medicare and Social Security be Available to the Next Generation?

Surveys show many Americans are concerned that Medicare and Social Security will not be there for them. This anxiety is fueled by the inaction of Congress to resolve the solvency issue. Read this article by Austin Denean for The National…

Learn about Social Security’s “Do Over” Option

Social Security has a little known rule called the “Do Over” option which can be helpful to early filers. You have the opportunity to stop your benefits and pay back what you have received with 1 year. This wipes the…

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