Social Security

Well, Here’s Another New Scam Hitting the Airwaves

It’s an alert to Kentuckians, but it’s likely to spread (and probably already has!) across the country, and it once again involves your Social Security number. In this version of a scam, impostors posing as “Federal Social Security Agents” will…

Take benefits now, later, or in between: Three people’s decisions

When to start taking Social Security benefits is perhaps the most important decision one can make in retirement. This article can assist one in making this deeply personal determination by looking at three people’s own personal decisions and the aspects that guided them.  Read…

Birthrates at Historic Lows: What’s that mean for Social Security?

The Heritage Foundation’s Romina Boccia, in a post today on, suggests that the new 30-year low point on U.S. birthrates spells additional trouble for Social Security. As the economy awaits the soon-to-be released 2018 Social Security Trustees Report, Boccia and other…

Homestretch Thinking for Retirement

If you’re in that period of marking off the days, weeks, or months until pulling the plug, that’s a good time to take stock of just how prepared you are. The Motley Fool’s Maurie Backman maps out a series of preliminary…

Retirement Planning: Some Fundamentals to Think About

As the saying goes, time marches on. And as you think ahead to the retirement phase of your life, this marching becomes more and more evident as you watch the days count down to the time you’ll be taking the…

Social Security: Understanding Who Gets What

With nearly one trillion dollars being paid out to a variety of recipients, folks often wonder exactly where it goes. Well, there are more than 62 million individual recipients, and it might or might not surprise you that retired workers…

Gen X and Social Security: A Changing Landscape

A recent MetLife study, titled “Study on Gen X: The MTV Generation Moves Into Midlife,” concluded that the population group referred to as Generation X (those with birth years ranging from the early-to-mid 1960s to the early 1980s) have come to understand…

Right vs. Wrong: A Look at America

Star-Herald publisher Greg Awtry shares some Memorial Day-type thoughts on America, with a specific focus on a long list of comparisons of rights and wrongs that go a long way toward defining the challenges we face. Among his list of comparisons…

Retirement…The Elusive Goalposts

Statistics show that Americans are remaining in the workforce longer these daysm, with labor force participation rates among men and women showing significant increases compared to the 1990s. As explained by MarketWatch’s Alessandra Malito in a post on, there are several key…

A Quick Review of FRA and its Implications

The Motley Fool’s Matthew Frankel, in a post today on, re-explains the full retirement age (FRA) concept, noting that a Fidelity Investments survey last year concluded that only about a quarter of Americans were aware of theirs. His post goes…

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