Social Security

Some Social Security Basics

Social Security Administration public affairs specialist Essie Landry, in a post today on, reviews a series of beginner-type questions for those approaching the world of Social Security. Beginning with the mySSA subject and continuing through the timing of benefit applications, her…

SSA Office Closings Intensify Public Concerns

Recently-announced plans to close Social Security Administration field offices in Arlington and Baltimore have shed new light on a wave of discontent among the elderly and those in need of on-site service from the agency. Washington Post reporter Patricia Sullivan, in a…

Retiring Abroad? Here are some things to think about.

If you’re planning to join the more than half million Social Security recipients living their retirement in a foreign country, there are some key planning steps you need to consider. Personal finance writer Darla Mercado, in a post on, provides some…

Avoiding the “Never Ending Worklife”

It’s no secret that many previously-retired folks are re-entering the workforce. There’s a pretty constant stream of articles about this “phenomenon,” covering the reasons why, and they range from boredom to the simple fact that Social Security income may not…

An Update on the Case for Social Security Reform

As the calendar continues its relentless march toward 2034, and as media accounts of what this date means to the solvency of Social Security repeatedly surface, there continues to be a clear message that near-term progress to address the problem is unlikely.…

The Impact of Deferring Social Security Benefits

The Motley Fool’s Katie Brockman provides a review of the financial benefit–in terms of monthly payments–resulting from delaying one’s Social Security benefits until age 70, citing the “advantage” that accrues in the form of 8% delayed retirement credits each year. Her…

What’s So Critical About the Year 2030?

Most media folks writing about Social Security’s solvency problem point to 2035 as the crisis year–the year when the program’s trust funds run dry and benefit levels fall by potentially as mush as 25%. But there’s another key milestone in…

See What You Can Do Online!

(Source: Social Security Administration) For over 80 years, Social Security has changed to meet the needs of our customers. Today, our easy, secure, and convenient-to-use online services allow you to do business with us from the comfort of your preferred location. From…

Some Social Security Backgrounders

Social Security is a broad and complex area, no question about that. To help put the overall concept in perspective for you, though, there are several basic factors that, once understood, might be able to help you comprehend the system…

Thinking about retiring at 62? Here’s what that means.

It’s an attractive thought, bailing out at the first opportunity and grabbing your benefits. But while many folks focus only on the short-term benefit of cashing in those benefits, the longer term impact of higher benefits later is frequently overlooked.…

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