Social Security

Making That All Important Decision – When to Claim Social Security Benefits?

The attached article by Stefon Walters on June 2, 2024 for The Motley Fool has information to help guide this decision. First, know your Full Retirement Age and how your benefits are affected by starting before or after that Age.…

Inaccurate Social Security payments – How can this issue be resolved?

By La Grada Finance on June 2, 2024 Although the percentage of accuracy for Social Security payments is extremely high, situations of overpayment or underpayment still occur. Overpayment repay can create a headache for the recipient. Read about possible options…

Technology is Helping People with Disabilities succeed in their Jobs.

By Diane Winiarski on June 3, 2024 for Forbes The benefits from advancing technology can be seen in many different areas of our lives. There is a program (Ticket to Work) for people on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) that…

The So-called Social Security “Apocalypse”

“Apocalypse” and “Doomsday” are words which have been used to describe Social Security’s looming financial issue, but both words are not an accurate way to described the problem. According to this FOX29 article by Heather Miller, it would be more…

Surprise! 2025 COLA Won’t Offset True Inflation

Inflation is an insidious thing – inexorably creeping prices for most everything we buy. And while there is often a lot of hoopla about how Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) are designed to help seniors keep up with inflation, the…

Social Security For Military Veterans

Fresh on the heels of this year’s Memorial Day holiday, this article by Hillary Hatch explains the Social Security Administration’s policies regarding military veterans. The article, appearing at Pioneer’s Big Rapids News website, specifically offers insight into how VA disability…

Early Prediction of 2025 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)

It’s way too early to say with any degree of certainty what next year’s COLA will be, but it’s still interesting to take a look at what might be. Inflation, of course, is the driver of any COLA increase to…

All About Taxation of Retirement Benefits (including Social Security)

Ben Franklin once said, “Nothing is certain but death an taxes.” Especially at the Federal level, taxation of your income may be inevitable, but the story is considerably different when it comes to State income taxes. The fact is, that…

Options for Restoring Social Security to Solvency

It’s certainly no secret that Social Security will be facing some serious financial difficulty in about ten years – that fact has been all over the media for a few years now. The stark reality is that reform of the…

Planning For Your Retirement

” … people shouldn’t view retirement as “an endless vacation.”” Instead, they should dive into their inner selves and values,” according to this Yahoo! Finance article by Tina Nazerian. What will your retirement look like? Do you have a specific…

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