Social Security

Another Call for Bi-Partisan Social Security Reform

Citing projections from the recently-issued 2017 Social Security Trustees Report, The Motley Fool’s Sean Williams issues a call for bi-partisan action in Congress to address the program’s troubling solvency problems. Williams reiterates the Trustees’ position that a substantial benefits cut…

Putting America’s “Retirement Crisis” in Perspective

MarketWatch columnist Jeff Reeves takes aim at one of today’s serious issues by providing a chilling recap of the problems facing our country’s retirement system in the years ahead. Noting the dearth of savings on the part of future retirees, the decline…

Social Security Benefits Losing Ground to Health Care Costs

HealthView Services (HVS ), considered to be a leading producer of health care cost-projection software, forecasts that health costs for today’s workers will at some point eclipse their Social Security benefits. Driven by a projected health care cost inflation rate of…

2017 Earnings Test Increases Will Benefit Many

Social Security beneficiaries drawing benefits while remaining employed received some good news in the SSA’s list of 2017 program changes. The “earnings test”–the limits beyond which monthly benefits are reduced–have been set to advance by 7.6%, from $15,720 to $16,920. The…

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