Social Security

About Raising Social Security’s Full Retirement Age

Hyperbole and apparent political endorsement aside, this Motley Fool article by Maurie Backman identifies and tacitly endorses a controversial solution to Social Security’s financial woes – raising the full retirement age (FRA). FRA is when a claimant can get 100%…

Social Security Solvency: A Perspective

Considering all the media exposure the topic has received in recent years, you’re likely already aware that Social Security is facing some financial issues in the not-too-distant future. To be exact, 2033 is when the program’s Trustees currently project Social…

Be Smart About Your Social Security Benefits

Let’s face it – Social Security was never meant to be your sole source of income in retirement. In reality, Social Security provides only about 40% of what you’ll need to retire comfortably, so having an additional source of income…

Millennials Likely to Bear the Burden of Social Security Reform

Given all the media coverage in the past year or so, it’s now pretty well known that Social Security – the nation’s bedrock retirement program – will face serious financial issues in about a decade. Although the recently released Social…

Will fixing Social Security fall to the Millennial generation?

With the many perspectives on how the Social Security dilemma will play out, this article by Kerry Hannon for Yahoo Finance ponders on a scenario where Millennials take the hit. Read here… As an example of the leading thoughts on…

Your spouse has passed away. What do you do about Social Security Survivor Benefits?

When your spouse predeceases you, you may be eligible for survivor benefits. There are options to consider, especially if you have not yet started your own Social Security benefits. You can take one benefit and switch over to the other…

Will taking Social Security at age 62 give you enough income to survive?

This article by Christy Bieber published on May 24, 2024 by Yahoo Finance articulates different scenarios for different retirement ages. Taking Social Security early will give you a reduced payment but more years of that income and waiting will give…

Another View of Social Security Insolvency

By now we all know that if Congress does not act the Social Security trust fund will run out of money in approximately a decade. There are several reasons for this including a decline in the working population and longer…

Important information about your Medicare Eligibility

This article is written by Diane Omdahl for Forbes and published on May 23,2024. Depending on your situation, you may not automatically qualify for Medicare, especially premium free Part A. As Diane points out it is important to think about…

An exception to the Social Security payment schedule

By Aliss Higham on May 24, 2024 for Newsweek Social Security payments are very consistent with the payout dates. Supplemental Security Income payments are deposited on the first of the month. Retirement benefits are paid on the 2nd, 3rd, and…

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