Social Security

More on the Social Security “Clawback” Issue: SSA Acknowledges Incorrect Information

As noted in yesterday’s headline article on this site, the doubling in size of the number of Americans receiving payback demands annually has contributed to elevated emphasis by Congress on the problem. In response to criticism, Social Security Administration (SSA)…

Another “Breakeven” Point to Think About

When thinking about breakeven points on Social Security benefits, most of us focus the question on whether or not to file at our earliest eligible age (62) or our full retirement age (66 or 67). if you’re planning to wait…

“Clawback” Matter Rises on Congressional Priority List

The Senate Finance Committee last week announced its intent to accelerate attention to the Social Security Administration’s massive overpayment problem…the problem through which more than two million Americans each year are subject to demand letters for repayment of benefits they’ve…

Ask Rusty – Are Spousal Benefits Always a Factor?

Dear Rusty: Both my wife and I have worked our entire lives. When we retire, will we both be entitled to full benefit amount each, or will there always be a spousal factor in there? Also, how are those benefits…

Dissatisfaction with Social Security’s COLA Highlighted by Study

This isn’t really news, but many seniors have concerns about the 3.2% cost-of-living adjustment set to kick in next month. These concerns focus on a few well-known and frequently discussed criticisms of the current process, specifically that the adjustment is…

A Statistical Look at the “Worst” Ages to Claim Benefits

The question of when to file for Social Security retirement benefits is one of the most frequent queries we receive here at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service. When responding, we typically begin our discussion with “Well, it depends,”…

The Social Security Rule That is Costing Seniors Billions

Kailey Hagen explains the chatter about what is changing for Social Security in 2024. Essentially it is the typical yearly changes tied to inflation that affect benefits, the wage base, and how much can be earned through working and collecting.…

Where does the GOP field stand on Social Security?

Savannah Kuchar of USA Today reviews the GOP presidential field and where they stand now and in the past on Social Security. One candidate called the program a Ponzi Scheme, one that should be privatized, and favored a retirement age…

Op-ed: Raising Social Security Retirement Age Can Help Ease Insolvency issue

Brenton Smith, a policy adviser to the Heartland Institute, explains there is no one solution to fix Social Security’s ills. The program will be unable to pay full benefits in about a decade. Raising the retirement age should be a…

AMAC: Social Security’s Very Real Problems Explained– in Plain English

This FAQ page was written by Jeff Szymanski, who works in political communications for the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). He previously taught high school economics for 15 years and is a frequent writer on Social Security issues. The…

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