Social Security

What does age 82.5 have to do with Social Security?

If people know anything about Social Security it is that you can claim it age 62, though all may not realize that comes with a permanent reduction. Fewer know that full retirement age is 67 (for those born 1960 or…

Ask Rusty – About the Fairness of “WEP” and “GPO”

Dear Rusty: I was married to my ex-husband for 30 years. For 14 of those years, I was an unemployed mom and community volunteer. After my sons were grown, I began teaching in California and earned a teacher pension. That…

House Ways & Means Set to Address WEP/GPO Concerns

House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) yesterday announced a field hearing scheduled for Monday, November 20 at 2:00 pm CST (3:00 EST) to receive public commentary on attitudes and viewpoints concerning the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and…

Social Security Benefits Can be Reduced in Several Ways…It’s Important to Know the Rules!

Once the decision to file for Social Security benefits has been made, most folks weave the amount of their monthly payment into their financial picture and sit back for the long haul. That’s fine, but you need to understand that…

Take the Money and Run! Says Dave Ramsey

Snubbing conventional financial advice on drawing Social Security benefits at age 62, popular American radio personality Dave Ramsey a few years ago came out in favor of this move as a financial strategy. But, and this is a bug but,…

Candidate Desantis on Social Security: “Eligibility Requirements May Need to Change”

The Poynter Institute’s non-profit, nonpartisan fact-checking website Politifact came to the defense of presidential candidate Ron Desantis by rating a recent political ad “Mostly False” in its claim that the candidate “wants to cut Social Security and Medicare.” In a…

More Thoughts on the “When to File” Dilemma

What’s the best age at which to claim your Social Security benefits? This is far and away one of the top questions we receive here at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service. The answer we provide generally tends to…

Understanding the Two Social Security “Do Over” Options

Many folks opt to begin drawing their earned Social Security benefits at the earliest possible age (62), and after the fact realize the long-term implications of accepting the reduced monthly benefit. Or, their financial circumstances change after beginning benefits causing…

Some Basics on When and How to File for Social Security

Social Security probably looks fairly complicated for those approaching eligibility for benefits, but for a major portion of the population, the process is somewhat straightforward. There are just some basic (and deceptively simple) questions to ask, like what’s the best…

Here We Go Again…a Government Shutdown is in the News. What about Social Security?

ALERT: Last evening, the House approved a continuing resolution deferring the fight on appropriation measures until early 2024. We’ll revisit the contents of this post as the next deadline gets closer. It’s an interesting quandary for the newly-elected Speaker of…

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