Social Security

Point of View: Perspectives on the Social Security Trust Fund

The rhetoric on Social Security’s looming solvency issue is free-flowing these days, and much of it deals with the program’s trust funds and their role in the overall benefit funding process. A post on by William Holahan, emeritus professor…

A Timeline Clarification for Millennials–Preparing for the Future of Social Security

Social Security’s impending solvency crisis has been in the news quite a bit in recent months and, unfortunately, much of the media accounts have created a misunderstanding of what’s really in the cards for this critical senior support program. Specifically,…

Planning for Retirement? Here’s a Solid Roadmap to Consider

Planning for retirement is not easy. It’s not something to put aside for later, because time goes by quickly and before you know what happened, you’re at the point where you know you should have given it more thought. So,…

Inflation and Retirement Planning–Some Suggestions

Virtually every consumer is painfully aware of the inflationary cycle our economy is enduring, and not everyone is buying the thought that it’s a temporary–or transitory, to use a vernacular term–phenomenon. Retirees and those planning for their retirement years are…

Working in Retirement: A Real-Life Situation Analyzed

In a post on, Alaska Workplace reporter Lynne Curry addresses a situation many folks are considering as they approach their retirement years. For lack of a better name, it’s called “semiretirement” and it involves remaining in the workforce after…

Ask Rusty – How Will Working Affect My First Year’s Benefits?

Dear Rusty: I retired from working in January of this year and have since claimed Social Security. I didn’t work at all in February or March, but I began a part-time job in April. I’m very confused about how Social…

Showcasing the Deficiency of the Current COLA Process

Social Security’s annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) process supposedly measures the cost increases across the spectrum of spending categories Americans face. It’s based on the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), and it’s been that way…

Candidate Haley Advocates for Retirement Age Setbacks, Benefit Trimming for the Wealthy

The long road to the 2024 presidential election is now being traveled by a host of hopefuls, so it’s logical to expect an outpouring of viewpoints on key issues and, equally logical, to expect Social Security reform to be one…

Fitting Social Security Into Your Retirement Financial Plan

Many folks are aware that Social Security, by design, will not completely cover their desired level of comfort in retirement. Its basic intent is to serve as a mechanism to keep seniors from falling into poverty, with the expectation that…

Understanding the Math Behind Claiming Ages

There are many factors associated with the decision on when to file a claim for Social Security benefits, In fact, here at the AMAC Social Security Advisory Service, we typically begin our responses to the “when should I file” question…

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