Social Security

Did you receive an overpayment notice from the Social Security?

Yes, the Social Security Administration does make mistakes. How does this happen? There are a few reasons, but usually, the overpayments occur due to an individual not notifying Social Security of changes happening in their life. So how does Social…

Ask Rusty – Widow Stung by Social Security’s “Claw Back” Rule

Dear Rusty: My husband of 48 years died on December 30th, and he received a Social Security direct deposit for December’s benefits in early January, but Social Security demanded the bank return his December payment. I used part of his…

What you need to know about retirement ages in the US

Your age matters when it comes to Social Security benefits. You can start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62; however, you are entitled to full benefits when you reach your full retirement age. If you…

Three ways to supplement your retirement savings

Millions of Americans face the reality of spending their senior years in straitened circumstances, struggling to make ends meet. However, if you are one of those individuals who are low on retirement savings, all is not lost. Maurie Backman explains…

Social Security and the Debt Limit Fight

There’s been quite a bit of back-and-forth about the upcoming negotiations on the federal debt ceiling, and much of it had to do with whether or not Social Security (and Medicare, for that matter) were factors in the arguments. In…

The Logic Behind Raising the Full Retirement Age

Although it appears to be developing into somewhat of a political football, the issue of increasing the Social Security full retirement age has a rational perspective. A recent post by senior contributor Chris Carosa takes a look at the…

Social Security’s Lump-Sum Payment Provision

Marcia Mantell, RMA®, NSSA®, in a post on, provides a bit of history associated with Social Security’s often misunderstood lump-sum benefit provision. Her post explains the 6-month lump-sum payout available to claimants electing to start their benefits at (or…

Taking a Look at Secure 2.0 and what the Provisions Mean to Some Seniors

The Secure 2.0 package signed into law kast December has several key provisions intended to aid seniors in the management of their retirement finances. One of the basic features is a delay, for those turning 72 this year, of the…

Claiming Benefits Early…Sometimes There’s a Good Reason

For those approaching the early age for Social Security retirement benefits, it can be a big decision, especially for anyone struggling to remain financially afloat. Waiting beyond the earliest available filing age, of course, results in a slightly higher check…

An Argument for Uncapping the Maximum Taxable Earnings

Social Security’s looming solvency problem is, as expected, creating a groundswell of attention publicly these days, as well as an increasing focus in the 118th Congress. As a result of this heightened interest, we’re seeing a growing number of articles…

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