Social Security

Social Security Benefits Might Get Cut Early — What Does That Mean?

Vance Cariaga addresses the hype that surrounded the release of news that Social Security’s trust funds are due to be depleted one year earlier, now to be 2034.  As she notes if Congress fails to address the program’s long-term funding shortfall, the…

Should You Insure Against Social Security Going Bust?

The yearly release of the Social Security Trustees reports always comes with a flurry of articles and financial expert advice, and 2021 was no different.  This piece by Mike Obel of Yahoo Finance cites the Nationwide Retirement Institute’s 2021 Social Security Survey that…

America’s Safety Net: Welfare and Social Security

This Great Courses introductory post explains TANF (what we generally call welfare) and Social Security.  The latter is often not well understood by the public.  Jennifer Nicoll Victor of George Mason University explains it is a pay as you go program…

40% of Americans Will Regret This Retirement Move

Kailey Hagen cites a new fascinating study about how people think about retirement.  The Transamerica survey didn’t say that respondents weren’t saving for retirement, only that they preferred not to think about retirement investing until they were closer to their…

Will Immigrants Save Social Security and Medicare from Financial Trouble?

Chris Tomlinson of The Houston Chronicle has an op-ed that details the trouble faced by Medicare and Social Security.  He notes Congress has avoided the necessary fixes for decades to instead focus on reelection.  The choices include increasing taxes, reducing benefits,…

Should You Worry About Social Security?

Yes and no are generally the answers to whether one should worry about Social Security’s finances.  Cyrus Purnell of Forbes describes the predictable headlines and news stories that follow each release of the annual Trustees report.  He explains that while…

Welfare, Unemployment, and Social Security

What do welfare programs like food stamps, unemployment compensation, and the Social Security program have in common?  The answer is little, but that could change. Mention the very word “welfare” to almost any voter, regardless of party, and the reaction…

The Easiest Social Security Mistake to Avoid

Claim at age 62 and forget about it is the unfortunate mantra of a majority of those applying for first time Social Security benefits.  But what so many do not understand is that claiming at 62 means a permanent reduction…

Social Security’s Problems Should be Above Politics and Pandering

A plethora of bills are routinely introduced in every new Congress, mostly by Democrats, promising higher benefits, whether in the form of cost of living adjustments, one-time payments, or permanent minimum benefit increases.  The problem with all of the proposals,…

Bad News: Social Security is Slowly Running Out of Money

It’s something no one wants to hear or even talk about.  But just because it is ignored, rest assured President Biden and every member of Congress and their key staffers know about Social Security’s insolvency problem.  Payments are larger than the take…

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