Social Security

Time to Adjust Social Security Benefits to Help Lower-income Workers?

This excellent piece by Scott Burns summarizes findings from a study from the Boston College Center for Retirement Research.  The key takeaway is that both lower AND higher income people claim Social Security benefits too early.  This early claiming by workers…

Spousal Benefits 101 – A Primer

Social Security is a complex program, and the myriad of rules and regulations are beyond confusing to a great many people.  Throw in the issue of spousal benefits, and we get to the almost incomprehensible.  But, Sarah O’Brien of CNBC breaks the…

How does declining U.S. fertility affect housing sales, Social Security and college?

Lois Collins takes a fascinating look at Social Security through a sociological lens in this piece.  That birth rates are declining and have been for years is not really new news.  American women are predicted to average 1.78 children over the…

Gen Z and Millennials Continue to Lack Faith in Social Security

Polls have suggested for more than a decade that younger Americans do not believe the Social Security program will be there for them.  Megan Leonhardt of CNBC writes here on a study by Northwestern Mutual’s 2020 Planning & Progress.  It finds…

Social Security and Death: What Happens Next?

When someone receiving Social Security benefits passes away, most people know that monthly benefits must soon stop.  But when?  Who notifies who?  You may wonder how the government knows to stop sending that monthly money.  What if there is a surviving spouse or…

The Second Stimulus, Social Security Recipients, and More

In a trio of articles here by Alison DeNisco Rayome and others of, she covers all that one would want to know about the second round of stimulus payments passed by Congress and signed by President Trump at the end of…

Stimulus Checks Dominate the News

President Trump signed the latest Covid relief bill on Sunday, ending the standoff and clearing the way for much-needed financial relief for Americans suffering from the pandemic’s economic devastation. The measure also paves the way for additional funding for most Americans in…

Preserve and Modernize Social Security says AMAC

Social Security’s long term problems will confront a President Biden and the next Congress whether either likes it or not.  AMAC believes the promise to guarantee Social Security for all Americans must be kept.  Our goal since first introducing our…

Liberal Advocacy Group Urges Biden to ‘Clean House’ at Social Security

Erich Wagner, writing on summarizes a number of proposals coming out of the liberal advocacy group, Social Security Works.  The group has long advocated expansion of Social Security and Medicare despite the fact that both programs need reform, as…

Social Security actuaries update projections for COVID-19

When the Social Security Trustees released its yearly report on the program’s financial health last April, it made clear that the outlook did not take into account the Covid-19 pandemic.  Various commentators have suggested that the insolvency date might move…

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