Social Security

Medicare Premium Deductions and Social Security Benefits Explained

Medicare and Social Security are separate and distinct federal programs, each with a dedicated revenue stream from different parts of a combined 15.3% payroll tax levied on workers and employers.  But Medicare recipients also pay premiums.  This very comprehensive piece by…

AMAC’s Revamped Social Security Guarantee Now More Important Than Ever

The election may be in the rear view mirror, but Social Security’s long term problems await action by the President and Congress.  AMAC believes the promise to guarantee Social Security for all Americans must be kept.  Our goal since first…

Is It Fair That Social Security Benefit Accruals Stop After 35 Years Of Work History?

In a very different kind of piece, Elizabeth Bauer of Forbes dives into the 35 year averaging of Social Security work history.  She notes the program is not the same as a private pension system but is social insurance nonetheless. …

10 states disbursing huge Social Security checks

Why is it that a little more than 25% of the retirees in just 10 states bring home at least $6,000 in annual Social Security retirement benefits above the national average?  That’s the focus of this piece by  Before digging into the details as…

Biden’s plan to boost Social Security & Medicare already wobbly

This informative, comprehensive article by Paul Brandus of MarketWatch starts out noting Joe Biden did not have the coattails he thought he would.  Democrats lost seats in the House and will likely be in the minority in the Senate.  Add to the mix…

What will one’s NET Social Security increase be in 2021?

Medicare and Social Security are so intertwined that a common question we here at The AMAC Foundation get is this: “what will my net Social Security increase be?”  That is, people seek to know how their monthly check will increase after…

Modest increases in Social Security pay & Medicare premiums forecast for 2021

While the official cost of living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security recipients in 2021 will be announced in October, Paul Davidson of USA Today quotes one expert who says Social Security recipients can expect a 1.3% COLA.  That’s according to Mary…

Is a Second Stimulus Check in the Cards After All?

Neither political party wants to hand the other a victory so close to an election.  That’s the reason usually offered by experts as to why another round of stimulus has failed to pass Congress.  On September 15th, the bipartisan Problem…

65% of Near-Retirees Fear They Won’t Get Social Security Benefits at All

It’s a sobering thought indeed, but according to the SimplyWise September 2020 Retirement Confidence Index, 65% of Americans in their 50s are worried about Social Security being dried up by the time they retire.  That people are focusing on Social Security’s real…

What Will Social Security Benefits Look Like in 2021?

Social Security is not usually in the news as often as it has been lately.  Chock up recent stories to a presidential election, a pandemic, and a soon to be announced cost of living adjustment (COLA) by The Social Security…

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