spousal benefits
Ask Rusty – About Social Security Benefits for Someone with Multiple Ex-spouses
Dear Rusty: If a financially well-off individual had multiple ex-spouses, could it happen that the multiple ex-spouses could each be collecting Social Security based on their own financial situation as compared to their rich ex-spouses? Thus, multiple payouts by SS?…
Social Security Spousal Benefit Nuances: The Older Wife
The Social Security rulebook is pretty complex, and this complexity becomes obvious when one dives into the murky world of spousal benefits. In a post morningstar.com post by, columnist Beth Pinsker examines a situation in which a non-working spouse is…
Ask Rusty – When Should My Wife Claim Social Security Benefits?
Dear Rusty: I turned 64 in July and my wife turned 62 in August. My wife has not worked for approximately 15 years but does qualify for Social Security on her prior work record. My wife is having some physical…
Claiming Benefits Early…Not Always a Bad Move
Most financial counselors will advise clients to defer filing for Social Security benefits as long as possible, but at least until reaching full retirement age. This strategy will ensure that your monthly benefits payment will avoid the reduction accompanying the…
Exploring the Reality of IRMAA in Light of a Real-life Situation
Medicare’s income-related monthly adjusted amount (IRMAA) regulation can, and often does, catch seniors in specific situations unaware. LA Times columnist Liz Weston, a Certified Financial Planner, offers an explanation of how this regulation impacts beneficiaries taking a large one-time withdrawal from…
“Earnings Sharing”…An Item Considered, but Perhaps Not Practical Under Current Social Security Rules
Social Security expert Tom Margenau, in a post on dallasnews.com, responds to a suggestion from a reader that there needs to be a better way for Social Security to compensate, in retirement, homemakers for their time outside the workforce. In…
A Quick Refresher on Getting the Most Out of Social Security
The maximum Social Security benefit as of this year is approaching the $5000 mark, but it’s unlikely that many beneficiaries will reach that level of payout. In fact, the average benefit for 2024 is $1,907 after the 3.2% cost-of-living adjustment…
Dealing With a Social Security Myth…The Claim that Too Many Get Unearned Benefits
You’ve probably heard the comment, or perhaps seen it on a social media site…Social Security would be in better shape if people who haven’t contributed would stop getting benefits (or some version of the same argument). As discussed in a…
Underscored: The Importance of Understanding Claiming Strategies
In situations where married couples have a disparity in their ages and, therefore, in their strategy options for claiming Social Security benefits, it becomes critical to know the rules. ThinkAdvisor reporter John Manganaro offers a quick recap of a situation…
Social Security Fundamentals for Married Couples
Spousal benefits and survivor benefits are two of the murkier aspects of Social Security. Not having a clear understanding of the eligibility rules accompanying these areas can cause married couples to miss out on benefits that have been written into…