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The Importance of Understanding Candidate Positions on Social Security
In a post on, reporter Christy Bieber stresses the importance of understanding and evaluating the positions being taken by presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joe BIden on Social Security. Although the subject of Social Security’s long-term financial picture seems to be relegated almost to “back-burner” status in the rhetoric so far, the voting public needs to understand just how critical the timing of this election is to the rapidly worsening situation. With trust-fund depletion now projected to occur between 2028 and 2035 (depending on which account you read), the next four years mark a point where definitive action is mandatory to ward off a major problem for retirees. Read Ms. Bieber’s post here…
Why are you willing to post a Liberal ad by Ms. Bedber and not provide a balanced posting so readers can make an informed decision. It would be better not to post ANY political ads then to just post the add of one side. Please DON’T TAKE POSITIONS OR SIDES – just present facts and let the people make up their own minds and do their own research. Otherwise you will be viewed as no different than AARP.
George, I’m not clear why you think the article by Ms. Bieber is a “liberal ad,” but we strive to maintain bipartisanship in the articles we post. The article you reference primarily recognizes that whoever is the next Present, they will almost certainly need to deal with the necessity of changes to our national Social Security program, regardless of the election year rhetoric by either. We’re sorry if you interpreted it in any other way.
Russell Gloor
National Social Security Advisor
The AMAC Foundation