The trend now seems to be waiting to collect Social Security

Only a few years ago, nearly half of people nearing retirement age said they planned to start Social Security as soon as they are eligible, but the trend now seems to be moving towards waiting. Much of this has to do with increased longevity and the tendency to extend the working years well into their 60’s, as well as many folks realizing that they need more than just Social Security to actually retire. Nevertheless, deciding when to apply for benefits is still one of the most important retirement decisions a person can make. This article by Chris Metinko appears at and discusses the things to consider when you’re trying to decide whether to apply for Social Security now or wait until later to start benefits.
Also, if you’re unsure about how these basics apply to you, or if you have any questions about your individual situation under Social Security, note that the AMAC Foundation provides a free-to-the-public service to help Americans navigate the complexities of this program. Learn more about it here…
Click here to read the Chris Metinko article at