Life Expectancy Calculator

There are several versions of tools available to help you determine your life expectancy. Many of them, unfortunately, are relatively simple linear progressions with only limited ability to input variables. During our research to find useful tools for this portion of the Social Security Report website, we found a tool that is rather robust, and that allows one to tailor the projection more closely to individual circumstances. The tool is the product of University of Pennsylvania associates Dean P. Foster, Choong Tze Chua, and Lyle H. Ungar, and offers several forms of analysis, including one specifically designed for the elderly.

Check out their introduction to the tool here, or simply click the “Get Started” button below to access the tool.


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  1. Pingback: Ask Rusty - Please Help Us with Social Security Planning

  2. Pingback: About the Virtues of Claiming Benefits Early - Ask Rusty

  3. Pingback: Ask Rusty – Please Help Us with Social Security Planning - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens

  4. Does not make any calculation. I get a 404 on Penn Engineering’s web site.
    And there are questions with no way to answer.

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