Understanding the Social Security Trust Funds

So much is written these days about Social Security’s long-term solvency problem, with this year being a landmark year in the relentless march toward the currently-projected 2034 depletion of Trust Fund reserves. 2018 is the first year in which the Trust Fund balances will show a year-over-year decline, and it’s a happening that foretells the program’s impending insolvency. Given the gravity of this situation, it becomes important for anyone trying to come to grips with what’s happening to have an understanding of the basics, namely the composition, structure, and financing mechanisms of the Social Security Trust Funds.
With this importance in mind, The Motley Fool’s Sean Williams takes a look at how Social Security’s Trust Funds operate. In his post on www.Fool.com, Williams explains the Funds’ structure, and focuses on how the funding moves into and out of their accounting processes. Read his post here…