When is the best time to claim your Social Security benefits? - The Motley Fool

The decision on when to file for your Social Security benefits is one of the most important choices you’ll make. If you claim too early; the earliest is at 62, your benefits will be permanently reduced but if claim at 70, you’re benefits will be increased by Delayed Retirement Credits (DRC). Now, what would you say if by doing a simple math problem it will tell you when you should claim your Social Security benefits? Yes, by calculating your break-even point it could save you from making the wrong choice. So what is a break-even point and how do I calculate it. In Christy Bieber’s article for the Motley Fool, she explains how to calculate your break-even point. Read Ms. Bieber’s article here…
AMAC Foundation offers a free-to-the-public Advisory Service with trained and accredited Advisors standing ready to help with navigating the details of Social Security. Learn more about this service here…