Q & A

Will my spousal benefit affect my husband?

Complete Question: I just read your Q&A that told a stay at home mom not to worry because her husband is a doctor and she can get a spousal benefit. I’m in a similar situation. I haven’t thought much about Social Security because it seems so far away (20+ years), but there was something about your answer that I didn’t understand. If the wife gets half of the husband’s benefit instead of her own, will that mean that amount is subtracted from the husband’s benefit? Like if my husband is supposed to get $2,000 and I get an $800 spousal benefit because I filed early, does that mean he can only get $1,200/month? I’ve heard of a family maximum so I can only assume this has something to do with it since the other woman (and myself) didn’t pay as much taxes as the husbands did.

Answer: There is such a thing as family maximum; however, it applies when there is another dependent (i.e. child or parent) receiving benefits from that person’s Social Security record. (Note that the family maximum does not apply to ex-spouses). So to give an example of the numbers you gave me, let’s say that your husband is full retirement age (FRA) and is entitled to $2,000/month. You want to file early and your own benefit is only $600, but your spousal benefit is $800. Social Security will give you the larger amount – the $800 – instead of the $600 off of your own record. This means that the total amount of Social Security coming into your household would be $2,800. Now let’s say your husband has an ex-wife who is also going to collect a spousal benefit off of his record. Regardless of how much she receives, the two of you will still receive $2,800. However, if you have a minor child, an adult disabled child, or parent you are caring for that is entitled to a benefit off of his record, then the family maximum will begin to apply. In short, the family maximum does not apply when only husbands and wives are involved.

Research Analyst & Certified Social Security Advisor
AMAC Foundation
Notice: If you have any additional questions about family maximum, or any additional Social Security issue, you can reply below. When replying to this website, please do not provide any personal identification information such as Social Security numbers. If you would like to discuss your situation privately, you can email C.J. Miles at cmiles@amacfoundation.com.

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