2019 Might be the Year of Action on Some Retirement Fronts

According to a post on Pensions & Investments, 2019 looks like it may be a year of action in several areas related to retirement reform. Speaking at a Kohler Retirement Plan Advisor Conference last week in Wisconsin, several high-powered speakers hinted at this area becoming a priority focus in next year’s Congress, with Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass and Robert A. Holcomb, vice president of legislative and regulatory affairs for Empower Retirement speaking out on the issue.
Holcomb, representing the firm considered to be the second-largest retirement company in the country based on contribution plan participant accounts, delivered an address in which the trends unfolding across the spectrum of retirement plan professionals and participants loom large. His remarks covered a variety of major issues, one of which is the growth of interest in multiple employer retirement plans, something designed to fill a void recognized to plague those working in the :gig economy.” (For more on the “gig economy,” see our June 21 post.)
Pensions & Investments online reporter Meaghan Kilroy recaps the remarks delivered at the Kohler Conference in a post on www.pionline.com. Read her post here,,,