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Social Security Expansion Talk Leaves Out 6.5 Million Public Sector Workers
Hillary Clinton is now officially running for president, and some are already predicting that Social Security will be a hot topic for 2016. Elizabeth Warren reignited the Social Security debate when she introduced an amendment late March to the Senate budget resolution to not only ensure Social Security’s solvency, but also to expand benefits….
Interestingly, for all the talk about expansion, there hasn’t been any mention of extension to those without Social Security coverage. Currently, 6.5 million government workers hold positions that aren’t covered by Social Security. Within this pool, over a million teachers remain uncovered. Ironically, extending coverage faces much of its opposition from the left, primarily from public sector unions. Here, unions take contradictory positions, fully embracing Social Security benefits for those who already have coverage, on the one hand, while adamantly opposing extending coverage to those without it. Read more…