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The Chamber of Commerce’s war on Social Security

There are two things you need to know about the federal government’s current budget situation. First, if you’re concerned with deficits and federal debt, things are getting better. The combination of spending cuts, tax increases, and modest economic growth has significantly decreased the government’s annual deficit, and if current projections hold, it will continue its downward slide. Read more…

Comments On This Topic

  1. First of all, a great site – the public need for honest information on the Social Security topic is huge due often repeated and never challenged myths about the current system designed over 70 years ago. I suggest starting with myths about the ‘trust funds’. I have done my own research, but it is difficult to piece together an honest picture when virtually every writer, including the “war on Social Security” post prefers to continue perpetuating the mythology instead of seeking to understand. I challenge AMAC to create an About Social Security section that contains only well researched information with no comments allowed.

  2. Everything must be considered to balance the budget. SS must pay for itself with the money paid in. However, the govt. should only regulate, not contribute or “borrow” from it. Start now and “privatize” it in the sense that govt. cannot “touch” it. Make it manditory contribution with the states responsible for any welfare. While I know that you generally seek larger government at the federal level and socialism, you must certainly see that some of it is not working. I hope that you can see the need to at least eventually to cut government expenses since the budget balance cannot be done totally with increased revenue.

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