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That Nagging Question: What’s the Best Time to Begin Benefits?

It’s perhaps one of the most vexing questions facing anyone approaching Social Security eligibility…when should I take the plunge and begin my benefit? And there are many viewpoints floating on the airwaves, from filing early and getting the benefit of cash at a younger age, to waiting as long as possible–maybe all the way to age 70–and getting the highest monthly amount. As we tell those who contact our free Social Security Advisory Service, it’s a personal decision involving several basic factors, like health, life expectancy, financial circumstances, and so on.

having said all that, here’s a post by The Motley Fool’s Katie Brockman appearing on that will provide some guidance for someone on the fence on this issue. Check it out here and, if you need any additional information on this question, contact our AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service for help. It’s a free service available via telephone and email. Learn more about it here.

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