AMAC Hosts Social Security Roundtable in Washington

Today, beginning at 9:30 am in the Congressional Meeting Room North, Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, the Association of Mature Americans (AMAC) is hosting a discussion to evaluate viable solutions to save and strengthen Social Security. AMAC Founder and CEO Dan Weber will be joined by Jason Fichtner (Mercatus Center) and Romina Boccia (The Heritage Foundation), with Stephen Moore, Chief Economist at The Heritage Foundation serving as Moderator for the session.
The free-flowing session will invite discussion on ideas to deal with the projected exhaustion of Social Security’s Trust fund, and to craft further input to potential legislation to ensure the financial viability of Social Security for future generations of Americans. AMAC has long-advocated a legislative solution to the problem, and has advanced a framework for lawmakers to consider in developing a solid approach.
Contact for more information on today’s session.