
What Would Happen If Social Security Isn’t Reformed?

The short answer: when the Trust Fund reserves are depleted in about 2033, every beneficiary’s monthly payment will be cut by about 25%. That’s a pretty dire prediction, considering that the most painful financial damage would be borne by the…

Exchanging Social Security Benefits for an RMD Deferral Option? A New Idea Surfaces.

As the rhetoric on fixing Social Security’s solvency problem pickS up steam, so does the emergence of new and creative approaches to reforming the system. In a post today on Kiplinger.com, contributor Chris Heerlein advances a suggestion that deals with…

Social Security and the Debt Ceiling: Mixed Opinions on Potential Impact

The lack of movement on the rapidly approaching debt-ceiling crisis is causing a stir in the minds of many folks, especially those receiving Social Security benefits. And while several competing viewpoints have emerged, it appears that May 9 may mark an…

Social Security Today: A “People Over Politics” Perspective

As the rhetoric on Social Security’s long-term financial issues heats up, so does the division between approaches to reforming the system. Structural changes on one side of the argument focus on modernizing the program to bring it into line with…

Social Security Solvency–Shining a Positive Light on the Crisis

Although acknowledging that Social Security faces long-term financial problems, including the potential for a substantial benefit cut about a decade from now, officials at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities take the high road in an article posted on…

Social Security Reform…Between a Rock and a Hard Place?

Since the March 31 release of the 2023 Social Security Trustees Report, and actually for months and years before that, the news waves have been awash with commentary about what can, should, or is likely to be done to address…

Hazy Memory? Trump Backed Age 70 for Retirement Back in 2000

“The truth is undeniable; the workers of America have been forced to invest a sixth of our wages into a huge Ponzi scheme. The solution to the Great Social Security Crisis couldn’t be more obvious: allow every American to dedicate…

A Bipartisan ‘Big Idea’ is in the Works on Social Security

“The absolute worst investment strategy you could have right now.” So says Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) on Social Security’s trust funds, which are due to be depleted in a decade. Cassidy is working with Sen. Angus King (I-ME) on an…

The Surprising Truth About Social Security’s Future

Worry you should, but despair? Not necessarily. So says Selena Maranjian as she analyzes Social Security’s financial woes. The program faces insolvency in a decade, and Maranjian nicely displays how the number of workers to beneficiaries has gone from over…

Op-ed: Time To Be Honest About Social Security

James Lockhart, Senior Fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center and former Principal Deputy Commissioner of Social Security explains Social Security’s insolvency problem. He is critical of President Biden and former President Trump for ignoring the issue, noting neither would be…

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