
Pros and Cons of an Optional Social Security Program

Dawn Alcott has a fascinating piece here showing how younger people, 31% of polled millennials and Gen Z, increasingly feel Social Security should be optional. It is not an idea facing any serious consideration on Capitol Hill, but there are…

Long Covid & the ‘broken’ Social Security disability process

Morgan Stephens of CNN writes a comprehensive piece here about Long Covid. The Department of Health and Human Services estimates $50 billion in annual salaries is lost each year due to Long Covid. A Brookings analysis puts that total at…

Mike Pence: Social Security Reform Needs to be Addressed Long Term

Let’s look at the options for Social Security’s future: Essentially, those are the choices, unless you want to simply increase every worker’s Social Security payroll tax by about 9% (which is not being seriously proposed by anyone). Of course, option…

Have Politicians Stolen Social Security Money?

As Social Security Advisors, we are frequently contacted by disgruntled Americans who contend that all of Social Security’s financial woes could be solved if only Congress would repay all the money it has stolen from Social Security over the decades.…

Social Security & Medicare “off the table,” but the Solvency Issue Still Exists

After a spurious accusation disrupted the President’s State of the Union message, media and Congressional pundits have joined in a chorus of praise that Social Security and Medicare are now “off the table” in negotiations to raise the national debt…

How Old is “Old?”

How old is old? Well, judging by the amount of seniors still working thereafter, age 65 is certainly no longer considered “old” for most Americans. So how, then, did 65 become the de facto retirement age? Well, we typically think…

“Presidents Day” or “Washington’s Birthday?”

Although frequently referred to simply as “Presidents Day,” this federal holiday has never actually been changed from its original designation as “Washington’s Birthday,” recognizing the achievements of our first President. This federal holiday is celebrated on the third Monday of…

Longevity Literacy to improve your retirement

There are no guarantees in life, and many pre-retirees worry about what could go sideways after they retire. One of the greatest retirement fears is outliving your savings and/or investments. Surya Kolluri, head of the TIAA Institute, said, “If you…

What you should know about the national debt

The national debt level of the United States is a measurement of how much the federal government owes its creditors—in particular – it is the sum of federal government debt held by the public and intragovernmental debt. Congress puts a…

Will the Social Security Expansion Act fix Social Security insolvency?

Senator Bernie Sanders has re-introduced the Social Security Expansion Act. The newest version of the legislation comes out amid a national debate over Social Security. Along with the bill, Senator Sanders offered a copy of the letter from the chief…

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