
An Argument for Age 70 Full Retirement Age

As the rhetoric heats up in advance of the 118th Congress and the potential heightening of interest in finally taking a serious look at resolving the long-known financial crisis facing Social Security, we’re beginning to see more and more news…

The Importance of Optimizing Social Security Claiming Decisions

Several articles channeled this week via our “Latest News” segment have addressed the persistent question of when to begin drawing Social Security retirement benefits. One, for example, argued for filing at the earliest possible age (62), while another offered a…

Social Security and the Debt Ceiling Argument

Douglas A. McIntyre, co-founder, chief executive officer and editor-in-chief of 247wallst.com sounds the alarm for Social Security in the midst of negotiations on the nation’s debt ceiling. In his post, which you can read in full here, McIntyre suggests that failure…

Retirement Advice from Eight Money Experts

Jenny Rose Spaudo’s piece here states, “Planning for a comfortable retirement doesn’t have to be difficult, but it does require intentionality.” Social Security replaces just 40% of pre-retirement income, so the author asked eight experts to give their number one piece of…

Op-Ed: Social Security’s financial ills not resonating with voters

Brenton Smith of The Heartland Institute explains that Social Security’s problems did not make the top of voter concerns in 2022. His op-ed also covers how the program is funded, its long term problems, and the constitutionality question, which was…

Retirees Spending Beyond Their Means: How to Save When Already Retired

Social Security’s 8.7% cost of living adjustment will be welcome to retirees come January, but it’s hardly a raise for those who’ve been paying higher prices all year already. Ann Schmidt writing in Fox Business on-line cites a recent survey…

Are There Benefits to Inflation Beyond Just Social Security’s Increase?

The 8.7% cost of living adjustment coming in January 2023 is welcome news for seniors on Social Security, even if it only allows folks to just keep pace. But Selena Fragassi notes here that there are other benefits to higher…

Op-ed: Social Security Payroll Tax Should NOT be Raised

Mark Warshawsky of the American Enterprise Institute explains why he opposes eliminating the Social Security payroll tax cap. The combined 12.4% rate applies to the first $160,200 in income for 2023. Warshawsky notes there is progressivity and redistribution already built…

Social Security Reform: The Stage is Getting Set for the 118th Congress

As we’ve reported several times this week, the rhetoric associated with Social Security’s long-range solvency issue seems to be building in the weeks before the launch of the next Congressional session. Yesterday, for example, we noted the stance the Biden…

Did Biden Open the Door to Compromise on Social Security?

In the midst of the slowly dissipating haze surrounding the midterm elections, President Biden pledged an openness to compromise with the incoming Congress on work to be done. In a somewhat mixed message, though, he reinforced his administration’s stance that…

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