
Social Security Field Offices May Re-Open Soon

Word on the street is that the Social Security Administration is considering a return to face-to-face service at its field offices around the end of March, two years after closing in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Barring any further…

Sen. Joe Manchin Weighs in on Social Security Solvency

Recapping remarks by West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin on a WV Metro News program, politico.com reports that the Senator supports raising the Social Security taxable earnings base as a solution to the program’s solvency problem. Manchin’s remarks were echoed in…

Social Security “bridge” strategy

What would happen if employers could increase the availability of lifetime income? How? By adopting a Social Security “bridge” strategy within the 401(k) plans that they offer their employees. A recent study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston…

Hand-in-hand into the golden years

For some couples, retirement means reconnection, while others continue the same as always, whether good or bad. Researchers have found “part of successfully planning for retirement depends on how directly involved your partner is in your retirement planning decisions and…

What can Congress do about Social Security’s funding issue?

The Social Security Administration reports as of December 2021, over 56 million people were collecting Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) or better known as Social Security benefits, and a little over 9 million people were collecting Social Security Disability Insurance…

Most states won’t take a bite out of your Social Security benefits

Are you thinking of relocating to another state when you retire? Are you weighing the pros and cons of living in one state versus another? Besides the obvious reasons of moderate climate, family, housing costs, and good healthcare, there is…

Head into retirement with confidence

Social Security is the major source of income for older Americans. Over 8 in 10 Americans aged 65 and older receive Social Security. For 61 percent of those beneficiaries, Social Security is more than half their total income, and for…

Op-ed: Social Security can push the elderly into poverty when a spouse dies

Max Richtman, president and chief executive of the nonprofit National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, has a lengthy opinion piece here stating that survivor benefits are no longer adequate for many 21st century widows and widowers. He describes the…

Over Half of Americans Are Making a Huge Social Security Mistake

It’s a scary but accurate headline. Christy Bieber of The Motley Fool notes far too many people leave the workforce and claim Social Security benefits for the wrong reason. Bieber cites research from the Schroders Global Investor Study that found 51% of…

What Most Retirees Don’t Know About Social Security

Rob Poindexter of Yahoo Finance notes that only 3% of near retirees (age 55-65) recently answered 12 of 12 true-false questions correctly on Social Security. The program is clearly not well understood, and the author discusses nine things most retirees…

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