
The current COLA formula could leave retirees in a better position

Most experts agree that Social Security benefits have not kept up with inflation and are steadily losing buying power. Why? The most commonly cited reason for this problem is the cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) are based on the wrong financial index.…

One Economist Says the 401(k) is Not ‘a True Retirement Plan’

Ben Werschkul, a senior writer and producer for Yahoo Finance, takes readers through the 401k law signed by President Jimmy Carter. Over 59 million Americans are now covered by these plans, which have undergone significant changes since they began in…

Social Security’s Problems Should be Above Politics and Pandering

A plethora of bills are routinely introduced in each Congress, mostly by Democrats, promising higher benefits, whether in the form of cost of living adjustments, one-time payments, or permanent minimum benefit increases.  The problem with nearly all, which are intentionally…

Lawmakers consider Social Security 2100 Act

Erika Giovanetti of Fox Business News reports on Rep. John Larson’s (D-CT) bill, The Social Security 2100 Act. All 195 signatories on the proposed legislation are Democrats, and bipartisan support seems unlikely given how the bill greatly enhances benefits but…

Millions of Americans can’t afford to retire

Michael Sainato of The Guardian writes a sobering piece here about the state of retirement in America. He notes the number of US workers aged 75 and up is expected to increase over 96% in next decade, according to the…

Can Your Social Security Payment Go Down? Yes, it can.

Steve Parrish is Co-Director of the Retirement Income Center at The American College of Financial Services, with 40 years in retirement planning issues. He describes a very real case when one’s Social Security income can decrease year over year, even…

How an Outdated Social Security Rule Means Higher Income Tax For Seniors

Levying income tax on Social Security benefits is often viewed as unfair because SS benefits are earned by contributing money already taxed. Nevertheless, Congress first enacted taxation of Social Security benefits in 1983 making half of SS benefits taxable for…

The Case For Waiting Until 70 to Claim Social Security

Not surprisingly, age 62 is when most people claim their Social Security benefits, for varying reasons. But just because 62 is the most popular age doesn’t mean it’s the best age for you. The next most popular age to claim…

The AMAC Foundation – 20,000 Social Security Questions Later!!

The AMAC Foundation officially opened its doors to the community in mid-2014, with a simple mission“To help protect and ensure the financial security, health, and social lives of current and future matureAmericans, and to help Americans navigate the bewildering array…

Coordinating VA and Social Security Disability Benefits

As a country, we owe much gratitude to those who have served in our military, and especially to those veterans who became disabled as a result of their service protecting our freedoms. The Veterans’ Administration offers many assistance programs, and…

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