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The Pros and Cons of Early Retirement

Who among us hasn’t fantasized about an early retirement – perhaps in our 40s or 50s – to claim our share of the American dream? It’s certainly a pleasant thought, but one which is probably not possible for most, and…

About Deciding When to Claim Social Security

Deciding when you should claim Social Security can be a perplexing dilemma. Understanding all of the nuances associated with that decision is an elusive goal – so much so that many are tempted to simply throw up their hands and…

A Sobering View of the Expected Big COLA Increase

Some pundits are forecasting a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) upwards of 11% for 2023. Realistically, however, a study of this year’s third quarter inflation rate so far suggests a more moderate, but nevertheless historic, increase to your monthly Social…

Understanding the “my Social Security” World

During the pandemic-induced office shutdowns at the Social Security Administration (SSA), and even now, individuals needing to access the information maintained by SSA were advised to create a “my Social Security” account to facilitate they’re ability to obtain information maintained…

Understanding Survivor Benefits

The rules associated with benefits available for widows and widowers can be relatively complex, so it’s important that your retirement financial plans consider them carefully. In a post today on, The Motley Fool’s Dan Caplinger provides an explanation of…

Managing the Urge to Retire Early in the Face of Incentives to do the Opposite

If you’ve been actively monitoring media information on retirement planning, and particularly if you’re fighting the urge to jump out of the workforce and into retirement, you’re probably at least a bit torn when you consider the incentives to remain…

An Interesting Twist on COLA

The hysterical projections of a 2023 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) north of 10% have died out in the face of more realistic news from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Consequently, seniors who were anticipating a larger bump are now anticipating an…

Retirement Planners: Three things to be aware of that could reduce anticipated benefits

Many folks tend to make the mistake of assuming that the benefit amount reported to them on Social Security statements is a constant. Unfortunately, there are a few things that can cause that benefit amount to be curtailed, so it’s…

More on the 2023 COLA Watch Front

CNETY writer Dan Avery, in a post on their website, offers a confirmation of the expectation that October 13 will be the announcement date for the January 2023 cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security beneficiaries. And, while discussion 8.7% as the…

The Sobering Impact of Inflation on Retirement Plans

The economic deterioration we’re all experiencing these days is having a profound impact on so many, and especially on those already trying to keep their head above water as they struggle in retirement. But beyond that, inflation is having a…

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